Quizbee is online exam/quiz web application project developed in C# ASP .Net MVC. It helps you to create scalable and dynamic quizzes with any number of questions and related options. Creating and attempting Quizzes have never been this easy. Try it now!
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Kandooma Maldives
Over the past 70 years, the UN has acted not as a government for the world, but as a collection of countries dedicated to upholding that charter, and the UN’s many agencies around the globe work to promote peace and security, support development and protect human rights.
Flowers add a pop of color to everyday life, and are an integral part of major moments like weddings, funerals and parties. But few people can distinguish one type of flower from another. Think you're a guru of blooms and blossoms? Take our quiz to find out!
A basic quiz of various geometric shapes and their definition. A quiz on identifying basic geometric shapes. A basic quiz of various geometric shapes and their definition. A basic quiz of various geometric shapes and their definition.